SLCG Sexual Harassment Policy

Here you can find our group's public policies concerning various issues.

Moderator: SLCG COS


All SL Coast Guard members and those engaged in business with the SL Coast Guard have the right to an environment free of discrimination and harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances. Solicitation of sexual favors, or other sexually oriented verbal of physical conduct. Such behavior creates an intimidating, hostile, and offensive work place environment. This includes but is not limited to in game Instant Messages (IM’s), & Note cards.

Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct. A member who uses or condones sexual behavior to control, influence, or job of another member engages in sexual harassment. Similarly, any resident of Second Life® who makes deliberate or repeated unwelcome verbal comments, gestures, or physical contact, which is characteristically of a sexual nature, engages in sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment has a devastating impact on everyone. It diminishes one’s self-esteem and inhibits the performance of members. Its disruptive effect on individuals and its negative impact on morale, discipline, and productivity in Second Life® significantly reduce the SL Coast Guard’s ability to perform its missions. The SL Coast Guard will not tolerate sexual harassment in any of its forms.

No SL Coast Guard member must neither practice nor condone any form of sexual harassment. They must serve as examples of the highest personal standards and be constantly aware of work conditions and interpersonal actions around them. There can be no ambiguity about the prohibition in the SL Coast Guard of any form of sexual harassment, the positive steps that are taken to prevent it, and the level of commitment to the swift and decisive enforcement of policies. Personnel must feel free to promptly report incidents of sexual harassment.


ADM Allian Blackwell
SLCG Headquarters
RDML Sofia Sharkfin
Area Commander
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Sophie Sharkfin
Posts: 1474
Joined: 08 Sep 2016, 13:45
Location: East Coast United States

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