SLCG Diversity Policy

Here you can find our group's public policies concerning various issues.

Moderator: SLCG COS

SLCG Diversity Policy
13 Sep 2020, 18:03


Diversity is the mix of differences and similarities at all levels of the group. We draw great strength from our differences and build on our similarities to:

- Create a positive environment based on our core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty that will promote personal and professional development and attract new talent.

- Establish and maintain a diverse membership that reflects Second Life’s® and its most valuable resource; people.

- Promote policies, programs, and procedures that place value on diversity and individual dignity.

- Work diligently to remove barriers that hinder our progress.

- Provide leadership that empowers all people to reach their full potential while contributing to SL Coast Guard missions.

- Ensure that our individual actions support the spirit of this policy.

Diversity is one of our greatest strengths. I challenge each of you to make an individual commitment to this policy


ADM Allian Blackwell
SLCG Headquarters
RDML Sofia Sharkfin
Area Commander
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Sophie Sharkfin
Posts: 1479
Joined: 08 Sep 2016, 13:45
Location: East Coast United States

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