SLCG Equal Opportunity Policy

Here you can find our group's public policies concerning various issues.

Moderator: SLCG COS


All SL Coast Guard members - shall be treated with respect, dignity and compassion. The SL Coast Guard prohibits any form of discrimination, which violates law or policy in any action affecting our Members, those seeking membership with us, and those benefiting from our public services or sponsored programs.

Toward this end, we shall:

Aggressively pursue the best qualified applicants for membership, and ensure that all people are given fair and equal treatment in membership decisions.

Evaluate personnel based on their job performance and provide advancement and retention opportunities based on demonstrated performance and policy requirements.

Take prompt, appropriate and effective measures to enforce this policy and ensure personal accountability.

Every member to be personally committed to and responsible for fair and equal treatment of all SL Coast Guard members and those with whom we interact. As we embrace this virtual world, we must lead the way by practicing nondiscriminatory behavior and showing others the benefits inherent in a diverse force.

All SL Coast Guard members are asked to help eliminate sexual harassment from our group. Evaluate your own conduct and that of those you associate with. Observe and institute changes as necessary. The fair and equal treatment of all SL Coast Guard members must not emanate solely from regulations, policies or external pressures, but from your conviction that it is the right thing to do.

The increasing diversity of our membership mandates dynamic responses if we are to meet the challenges that the Second Life environment may present. A SL Coast Guard free of sexual harassment is today’s goal and must be tomorrow’s as well.


ADM Allian Blackwell
SLCG Headquarters
RDML Sofia Sharkfin
Area Commander
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Sophie Sharkfin
Posts: 1474
Joined: 08 Sep 2016, 13:45
Location: East Coast United States

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