SLCG Membership Requirements

Here you can find our group's public policies concerning various issues.

Moderator: SLCG COS


The SL Coast Guard is a very serious group that has brought real life purpose, missions and goals into Second Life®. We uphold our values, traditions and mannerisms to the same as those of various professional organizations located in the real world. We pride ourselves in our conduct and professionalism and expect any current or prospective member to live up to our standards of conduct as well.


Basic requirements to apply:

1. Have been a Second Life® Resident for a period of no less than 180 days (6 months). (Based on Profile)

2. Have a clean record with Linden Labs® and Second Life®.

3. Complete an application and submit same for consideration.

4. No membership in any "Coast Guard" or “Search and Rescue” (SAR) group that has not been approved by the SLCG Commandant.

5. Read and agree to all group policies.


Basic requirements to remain a member:

1. Remain familiar with and follow all policies and directives as they may apply.

2. Complete at least 1 water patrol in RP Status per week and complete/post the required patrol report in the forums.

3. Maintain a professional demeanor any time you wear our uniform, group tag or utilizing SLCG equipment or property.

4. No membership in any "Coast Guard" or “Search and Rescue” (SAR) group other than the SL Coast Guard, that has not been approved by the SLCG Commandant.

4. Log into the forums at least once per week.


What can get you ejected from the group:

1. Bringing discredit to the group by your actions (This includes AR’s, Suspensions, banning from LL as well from residents, wrongful conduct with other groups, etc).

2. Violation of the groups EEOC and/or harassment policies.

3. False claims of real-life Military service/awards.

4. Membership in any other "Coast Guard" or “Search and Rescue” (SAR) group other than the SL Coast Guard, that has not been approved by the SLCG Commandant.

5. Unauthorized use of SLCG equipment, uniforms, Logo’s, textures or property.



Members who resign from the group should understand that once you have resigned you forfeit your previous billet and rank. Returning members may be rejoined at a rank/billet other than what was previously held. Authority to approve return to active membership is granted with the SLCG Commandant.


Any member that is discharged, ejected or removed from the SL Coast Guard will not be eligible to rejoin said group for any reason unless approved by the SLCG Commandant


ADM Allian Blackwell
SLCG Headquarters


25/OCT/2024 – Ken Whitfield – Changed statement 4. Under both “Basic requirements to apply:” and “What can get you ejected from the group:” in order to make them clearer and more precise. Removed the “Retirement” section as it does not apply to admission to the group. Re-wrote the “False Claims of real-life Military Service/Awards section to bring it up to current standards.

10/22/24 - SC - Changed membership requirements to 1 "water" patrol per week, removing (aviation, aircraft, or deckwatch), as patrol policy itself mandates the first patrol of the week must be by water. See RADM Cukor's post at ... 51&t=43675
CAPT Syl Melodie Caproni
Chief of Staff

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Sylvia Caproni
Posts: 1673
Joined: 12 Apr 2020, 11:50
Location: Maine, United States

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