SLCG Candidate Policy

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SLCG Candidate Policy
15 Dec 2020, 17:15

SLCG Candidate Policy

Only those members who left the SLCG in good standing are eligible for reinstatement. A member who wishes reinstatement must first fill out an application and submit it to the G-1, noting with their former rank and billet on the form. The Commandant will make the final decision as to whether the former member is allowed to rejoin the SLCG.

Once approved the former member becomes a candidate, not a recruit. The candidate must complete training, including orientation, in world classes, Rib Checkride and 3 weeks rotation through SLCG stations. The candidate DOES NOT need to retake the boating exam. During the candidate period the candidate will use the letter C and their former SLCG number as their call sign instead or ROTP. As an example if I were in the program my call sign would be C048.

The reasoning for the requisite candidate training is to reacquaint the candidate with existing policies and procedures. Some may have changed since the candidate was a member. The rotations serve to both reacquaint the returning member with the SLCG stations they knew and introduce them to the new ones. It also serves as a nonthreatening way for the candidate to get to know the current members and allow the current members an opportunity to get to know the candidate.

Upon completion of three weeks of rotation, the former member will be assigned a rank and a billet dictated by the needs of the SLCG as determined by the Commandant. The restored Guardian will be allowed to wear formerly awarded ribbons and honors. The restored Guardian will be permitted to fly all planes for which they are qualified as well as all watercraft with the exception of the FRC.

Admiral Allian Blackwell
Commandant, 3151
ADM Keneth80 Whitfeld
SLCG #214
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Keneth80 Whitfield
Posts: 835
Joined: 18 Jul 2014, 08:00
Location: The Sunny South

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